【同义词辨析】 2018-10-26 毒药poison-bane

poison: is applicable to any deadly or noxious substance (such as strychnine, arsenic, or carbon monoxide) or to anything felt to have a comparable effect: a friendship destroyed by the ~ of jealousy.      (noxious有毒有害poisonous or harmful,如many household products give off noxious fumes很多家用产品释放有害气体,这个词还表示让人讨厌,如their behavior was noxious他们的行为令人生厌)         strychnine马钱子碱,arsenic砒霜  CO一氧化碳

venom: applies to a poison-containing fluid secreted by an animal such as snake, bee, or spider and injected into another animal in defensive or predatory action; it may also imply a malignant hostility: a review full of ~.   secrete分泌,形近词excrete排泄)   malignant恶毒的: 对人有很深的仇恨,贬义。

virus: applies to what is felt to have a corrupting quality poisonous to mind and spirit: the ~ of apathy; or to a submicroscopic agent of infection working with insidious deadliness or destructiveness: the ~ that caused AIDS.    (corrupt有两个意思,1 道德腐败,2 使不再健康纯洁有效完整等,即损坏某一方面,这里用的第二个意思)  (insidious隐伏潜藏,难以察觉,destructive毁灭性)

toxin: denotes a complex organic poison produced by a living organism, especially a bacterial or virus: the ~s causing the plague; it may also imply an insidious undermining effect like that of a bacterial toxin: a nation undermined by the ~ of ethnic divisiveness.

bane: may apply to any cause of ruin, destruction, or tribulation: the ~ of his existence.    ruin废墟,完全损坏,如圆明园废墟Yuanmingyuan Ruins Park圆明园遗址公园) (tribulation苦难=suffering and difficulty,如life is full of tribulations生活充满苦难 (又如avarice is the bane to happiness贪婪是毁灭幸福的祸根)

poison毒: 任何致命有害物质,或效果类似的事物,venom毒液: 表示动物分泌的含毒液体,或表示恶毒敌意,virus病毒: 表示损害思想心灵的事物,或表示剧毒传染物(agent of infection),toxin毒素: 指有机体产生复杂有机毒药(如由细菌病毒产生的),还表示暗中破坏(undermine暗中破坏)的效果类似的事物,bane祸根,不尽烦恼: 导致毁灭苦难的任何原因

记忆方法: 1)首字母PVVTB,把两个V看作W变成WBPT我不碰它<==毒药

         2)毒药的意思是会导致死亡或损害的物质mean material that when present in or introduced into a living organism produces a deadly or injurious effect.